Applicant sought to register the mark BUNGEE BLAST for a foam flying toy and hand-powered non-mechanical toy in class 28. The applicant applied for a standard character mark and disclaimed the term “BUNGEE”. The Examining Attorney refused the application citing a registration, BUNGEE GLIDERZ for toy airplanes, toy gliders, and toy sling planes in class 28 as a basis for a likelihood of confusion. The registrant disclaimed the term “GLIDERZ”. See In re Dennis Binkley, Serial No. 86429294 (May 30, 2017) [not precedential].
The Board initiated the likelihood of confusion analysis with reviewing the relatedness of the goods. The Board held that applicant’s identification was broad enough to include the toys identified in the registration and was therefore legally identical. In light of the same goods and the lack of restrictions in the identifications, the Board was able to presume that the goods travelled in the same channels of trade (toy stores) and would be sold to the same purchasers. This factor weighs in favor of finding a likelihood of confusion between the sources of BUNGEE BLAST and BUNGEE GLIDERZ.
Next the Board evaluated the similarities and the differences between the marks. The following factors were examined, appearance, sound, connotation and commercial impression. The Board stated the general rule that consumers maintain a general rather than a specific impression. If purchasers would assume there is a connection between the sources when encountering the marks, then it can be said that confusion is likely. The term “Blast” has several meanings which include among them, a sudden loud sound or a violent effect of an explosion. Conversely, the term “Glider” means a light engineless aircraft designed to glide after being towed aloft. The Board held that the second terms in the respective marks were distinct and that due to the second terms the marks differed significantly in sight, sound, meaning and commercial impression.